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Jendyose is a 17-year-old Ugandan student at PEAS Noble High School. PEAS is preparing Jendyose for life after school by providing a real-life experience of running a business.

Find out more about Jendyose’s story

He said: “I enjoy going to school here because the education is of high quality, and our teachers are great people, every day, they inspire me to become like them.”

Jendyose is a member of all four of his school’s student clubs, where he enjoys broadening his knowledge through various activities and has taken on several leadership roles in the livelihoods club.

He said: “We learn baking skills in the livelihoods club, such as how to make chapattis, mandazi, and pancakes, among other things. As we sell our products to students and teachers, we also learn marketing and sales skills. I am the sales manager for the livelihoods club, and through this, I’ve learned how to talk to people about products to persuade them to buy. I have also learned to calculate business money flow regarding our expenditures and incomes.”

He added: “Other clubs include the educate club, which teaches students a leadership and entrepreneurship course to help them identify and create business opportunities in their communities. The debating club teaches students critical thinking skills, as well as confidence and public speaking. Both girls and boys are welcome to join the girls club, which includes activities such as raising goats, chickens, rabbits, and vegetables. These are sold back to the school to generate incomes.”

The skills learned through club activities help students to earn an income while still in school, especially during the holidays. Many students, including Jendyose, often use these funds to contribute to purchasing academic materials. The wider community also benefits from the school clubs’ projects as project supplies are often purchased from members of the community.

Jendyose, a student from Uganda

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Masiko is a 45-year-old father of seven children, three of whom are students at the PEAS Bridge Secondary School in Uganda. His other children attend a government-run primary school. Masiko is a farmer who raises chickens, bananas, and coffee beans. Compared to government schools, PEAS has lower school fees. Here, Masiko shares how PEAS has helped him and his family.

Find out more about Masiko’s story

He said: “My children began attending the PEAS school in 2018. When I heard they were constructing a school near my farm, I enrolled my children as soon as possible after they graduated from primary school. I wanted them to experience a quality education while they were there. Since joining, their grades have continued to improve. When my children get home from school, I see them diving into their books; they love doing their homework.

“Compared to the average education in this area, PEAS school fees are very affordable. Most importantly, they allow instalment payments and have been hugely supportive by allowing me to pay after I receive my income from selling coffee. Uniforms are provided by the school, which is one less thing to worry about.

“PEAS helps low-income families like mine. The school has also provided me with some work, as I occasionally sell firewood and other products to them. I can pay my children’s school fees with the money I earn from growing coffee; I can also afford to repair my home.

“It was tough when the schools were closed due to Covid-19. However, despite being stuck at home, my children were well-behaved. I am happy that the children have returned to school to continue their education and that my businesses have begun to improve since the lockdown ended.

“I’m grateful that I don’t have to worry about my children; they’re in safe hands and know how to behave well and be responsible.”

Masiko’s story
student spotlight

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